Welcome to the online resource for Bible-believers possessing the Kingdom of God in these the last days. We pray you will find the Biblical resources of benefit to your growth in grace.

Restoration Revival Fellowship is an international Christian ministry which has humble beginnings in a Shepherd's Bush basement on Uxbridge Road. We maintain Bible-based teachings and uphold the words of the Lord Jesus Christ with the highest regard.
Restoration Revival Fellowship is an international Christian ministry which has humble beginnings in a Shepherd's Bush basement on Uxbridge Road. We maintain Bible-based teachings and uphold the words of the Lord Jesus Christ with the highest regard.

Mission Statement

Enhancing communities, supporting families, being the change we want to see.


Restoration Revival Fellowship is an international Christian ministry which has humble beginnings in a Shepherd’s Bush basement on Uxbridge Road. We maintain Bible-based teachings and uphold the words of the Lord Jesus Christ with the highest regard.

In 1968 a fellowship was born in London which had at its heart, not a desire to be recognised, but to simply follow the teachings of Christ and making a lasting difference to our world, one person at a time. We resisted becoming a registered entity for many years, not wanting to drift from a simple mission to love our neighbour as ourselves.

We found that following the teachings of Christ has given us a global reach and our growth has not been on the back of a mere desire for a missions programme but from obedience to the Word of God by working members who have often volunteered their time and finance.

With a United Kingdom presence in Harlesden, Harrow, Luton and Bedford, as well as more than 70 of the most impoverished regions in India, 17 locations in some of Kenya’s poorest villages, Uganda, the Cameroon, Nigeria and Oshawa, Canada – We are achieing our mission with global aspirations.

Community Work

For the past 30 years RRF has provided a range of support services that has seen young people supported through education and into employment. For the past 10 years out of 20 young people 19 have achieved five or more A*-Cs at GCSE level and one has gone into an apprenticeship. More than 80% have gone university and of those supported over the past 30 years we have above 90% employment.

This success is due to a combination of Biblical values being put into practice and RRF voluntary support mechanisms.

Prison Ministry

We’ve been working in Wormwood Scrubs prison since 2008. Once and sometimes twice a month on a Sunday, we work with the Chapliancy Team to provide an opportunity for vibrant worship, and a message of hope. We do the same at HMP Holloway delivering a combination of 1:1 support and ministry through Church services and conferences arranged through Chaplaincy. We have seen the Lord touching the lives of both men and women, binding up the broken hearted and giving a new lease of life to women from all backgrounds. Let us remember the incarcerated and their families in prayer. Learn more

Mental Health Ministry

From 2002 the Lord has used RRF to not only attend our local inpatient unit, but has allowed us to be instrumental in establishing a service to inpatients within the hospital setting. A group of churches responded to the call to be involved in ministering to members of our community who have been brought under section to give them space to recover health. The hospital service manager identified the importance of reconnecting people with their faith in times of distress. Christ in his ministry proved that He had the compassion and competence to minister to people in distress or oppressed. RRF are part of a quarterly rotation of churches who attend. We are currently providing an hourly service on the first Sunday of every month (from 3-4pm) to inpatients who express an interest and are well enough to attend. We have a consistent team of four members who make themselves available for this most valuable work. The appreciation of those unable to attend church is often beyond words and assures us that we are indeed fulfilling Christ love as he said “I was sick and you never visited me”. In as much as we visit those whom family and friends or society may have given up on, we have visited Christ. Learn more