Welcome to the online resource for Bible-believers possessing the Kingdom of God in these the last days. We pray you will find the Biblical resources of benefit to your growth in grace.

Mens department

Our brotherhood department fulfils a key function in the church.

This department is continuously driven by the challenge for men to live consecrated lives to lead the work of the Lord into higher heights and deeper depths. Men are challenged by each other through the word of God, to be better servants, better husbands, better fathers, better in business- simply put, a pattern of good works in every sphere of life.
Christ said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Our men’s department operates a prayer partnership between men, mostly matching the elder with the younger. This initiative has enhanced the discipline of the brothers as we seek to be effective fishers of men. Much of the activities are increasingly geared toward effective outreach built on a foundation of prayer and fasting.

The men fast and meet for prayer every fourth Sunday between services and moderate the night service on that day. They are instrumental in leading the prison ministry and contribute to the mental health outreach ministry.