Welcome to the online resource for Bible-believers possessing the Kingdom of God in these the last days. We pray you will find the Biblical resources of benefit to your growth in grace.

Since 2008 the Lord has opened up the door for ministry in HMP Wormwood Scrubs and HMP Holloway.

Wormwood Scrubs

Wormwood Scrubs has an operational capacity of over 1200. It is among the UKs most recognised prisons with its iconic gates, constructed in 1885, and featuring heavily in modern film and television. This prison was built by inmates and in 2009 became a Grade 2 Listed site. Few people know, however, that beyond these huge gates is the UKs largest and finest chapel in England built in 1894. Once a month on a Sunday, from this magnificent Church of England place of worship, we support the New Testament Church of God in delivering anointed Church services to over 400 men, providing them with an opportunity for worship, salvation and deliverance.


Through the New Testament Church of God we also provide women’s ministry to Holloway on a monthly basis delivering a combination of 1:1 support and ministry through Church services and conferences arranged through Chaplaincy. We have seen the Lord touching the lives of women, binding up the broken hearted and giving a new lease of life to women from all backgrounds. Let us remember the incarcerated and their families in prayer.

What we do

We preach Jesus Christ plainly and call men unto repentance. It is also an opportunity for believers in prison to get refreshed in the Spirit. “Believers in prison?” you say. Ministering here has challenged many prejudices. The Bible says that we should abide by the laws of land: (I Peter 2:12-14″Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. 13: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14: Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.” Again it says, agree with your adversaries quickly in the way (Matthew 5:25). Its not only murderers and thieves in prison- traffic contraventions, road accidents, immigration- the list goes on, but the Lord is mindful of us all. The Lord said, I was in Prison and you didn’t visit me…” (Matthew 25:43).

Through the support of the Chaplaincy we also deliver follow-up Bible studies on a wing of the prison twice a month. These meetings really lay a great foundation for meaningful Sunday worship and we thank the Lord for opening up the way for this to be possible. Feel free to join the Brotherhood Department in prayer and fasting every fourth Sunday of the month in our local church for the deliverance of men in prison.